In lots of ways, I think of deep breathing as the ultimate self-care technique and here’s why:


  1. It is quick, accessible and free
  2. Is great for stress reduction and stress control – when we are stressed we tend to do more shallow breathing which is really bad for you because it actually prolongs the stress response in the body. By focusing on our breathing we activate something called the parasympathetic nervous system – which is the calming one. So when you’re feeling stressed or anxious tuning into the parasympathetic nervous system switches everything to relaxation mode.
  3. It improves sleep
  4. It regulates mood and emotional well-being by releasing endorphins – natural mood boosters.
  5. It enhances lung function because it increases lung capacity (which will also help when exercising)
  6. It’s good for heart health because stress and anxiety can raise blood pressure.
  7. For my perimenopausal readers – deep breathing can help to alleviate hot flushes and night sweats. This is because hot flushes and night sweats can often be caused by the nervous system going into overdrive. Practicing breathing techniques daily can help you to override this nervous system response thus alleviating the symptoms.


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